This monday I will be turning 26. It feels very old to me. Perhaps it is because I was married at 19. Perhaps it is because I have always felt older than I am. Perhaps it is because, I never had a period of time in my life that I was a wild rebel. Well, my grandma might beg to differ..... but I mean, wild in the ways of drinking, partying, all that stuff. Perhaps I feel old, because 26 is old, well to me. My husband, who is 17 years older than me, just rolls his eyes at me when I express just how old I feel. But, old or not, 26 is what I will be come monday. So, since I rarely post anything about myself, my two kids are much more interesting I assure you... I decided to post 26 things about me. Here goes...
1. I have never lived more than 30 minutes away from where I was born.
2. I went to bed with a jar of crayons rather than a stuffed animal when I was little.
3. I spent 16 years of my life as a tap dancer. I still teach a class every now and then.
4. I have never had a big dog, I have had lots of little ones though, Tia, Trinket, Tita, & Pearlene
5. I didn't get my drivers license until 1 month before Caillou was born.
6. My grandma is my best friend.
7. I don't like airplanes, spiders, scary movies, freeways, or snakes
8. I used to have my nose pierced.
9. My favorite color is yellow.
10. I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
11. I have an addiction to eating out, my grandma supports my addiction!
12. I am an only child, my grandma raised me.
13. My kindergarten boyfriend was Patrick Wheatcroft, we planned to be married at mcdonalds.
14. I am a night owl.
15. I have never worn high heel shoes a day in my life.
16. I was almost named Victoria Nichole, my nickname would have been vicky-nicky!
17. I started a teddy bear making business when I was 14.
18. I have the names picked out for all the babies I plan on having!
19. My favorite flower is gerbera daisies and yellow roses too!
20. I don't like Italian food.
21. I have gone to christian school, public school, and homeschool, I graduated at 16.
22. I lived in the same house for 20 years of my life.
23. I am now living in the town, that my Grandma grew up in, in a house behind the church she attended as a teenager.
24. I secretly want a bright yellow volkswagen bug, with flowery upholstery!
25. I am 5 feet 10 inches tall.
26. I love freckles, chocolate malted crunch ice cream from thrifty's, polka dots, fifties dresses, aprons, and miniature donkeys.
So, that's it in a nutshell. 26 things about me. I am just your average run of the mill plain jane sort of gal, with an aspiration to be a croos from little miss suzy homemaker and the lady that lived in a shoe!